Source code for sinabs.layers.neuromorphic_relu
import torch
from sinabs.activation import Quantize, StochasticRounding
class NeuromorphicReLU(torch.nn.Module):
"""NeuromorphicReLU layer. This layer is NOT used for Sinabs networks; it's useful while
training analogue pyTorch networks for future use with Sinabs.
quantize: Whether or not to quantize the output (i.e. floor it to \
the integer below), in order to mimic spiking behavior.
fanout: Useful when computing the number of SynOps of a quantized \
NeuromorphicReLU. The activity can be accessed through \
NeuromorphicReLU.activity, and is multiplied by the value of fanout.
stochastic_rounding: Upon quantization, should the value be rounded stochastically or floored
Only done during training. During evaluation mode, the value is simply floored
def __init__(self, quantize=True, fanout=1, stochastic_rounding=False):
self.quantize = quantize
self.stochastic_rounding = stochastic_rounding
self.fanout = fanout
def forward(self, inp):
output = torch.nn.functional.relu(inp)
if self.quantize:
if self.stochastic_rounding:
output = StochasticRounding.apply(output)
output = output.round()
output = Quantize.apply(output)
self.activity = output.sum() / len(output) * self.fanout
return output