Power Monitoring#

This notebook demonstrates how to monitor the power consumption of the speck2e devkit.

! pip install matplotlib
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib in /home/allan/PycharmProjects/sinabs-dynapcnn/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (3.3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.1 in /home/allan/PycharmProjects/sinabs-dynapcnn/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=6.2.0 in /home/allan/PycharmProjects/sinabs-dynapcnn/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib) (8.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6,>=2.0.3 in /home/allan/PycharmProjects/sinabs-dynapcnn/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib) (3.0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.15 in /home/allan/PycharmProjects/sinabs-dynapcnn/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib) (1.19.5)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /home/allan/PycharmProjects/sinabs-dynapcnn/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib) (0.11.0)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /home/allan/PycharmProjects/sinabs-dynapcnn/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from matplotlib) (1.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /home/allan/PycharmProjects/sinabs-dynapcnn/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.1->matplotlib) (1.16.0)
import samna
import samnagui
import time
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager

from torch import nn
from multiprocessing import Process
from sinabs.from_torch import from_model
from sinabs.backend.dynapcnn import DynapcnnNetwork
assert samna.__version__ >= '0.21.8', f"samna version {samna.__version__} is too low for this experiment"

1. Power consumption of the devkit#

The power consumption mainly consist of the following 5 parts:

  1. IO: IO power consumption.

  2. Ram: Power consumption of read and write of ram.

  3. Logic: Logic operation power consumption.

  4. VDDD: DVS digital power consumption.

  5. VDDA: DVS analog power consumption.

On the devkit there are 5 channels of power tracks:

  • channel 0: VDD_IO

  • channel 1: VDD_RAM

  • channel 2: VDD_LOGIC

  • channel 3: VDD_PIXEL_DIGITAL

  • channel 4: VDD_PIXEL_ANALOG

we can monitor each type of the power consumption based on each relevant power track.

Samna provides a PowerMonitor for users to read the power from the power tracks. By calling the start_auto_power_measurement method of the PowerMonitor instance, we can start read the power consumption statistics.

To measure the power consumption, we need add a samna.BasicSinkNode_unifirm_modules_events_measurement node into the samna graph, combined with the PowerMonitor we can read the power statistics from this node.

2. Monitor the idle power#

Here we demonstrate the way of monitoring the idle power of the devkit.

# get device name
devices = samna.device.get_all_devices()
device_names = [each.device_type_name for each in devices]
# open devkit
devkit = samna.device.open_device(device_names[0])

# get the handle of the stop-watch of the devkit
stop_watch = devkit.get_stop_watch()

# get the handle of the power monitor of the devkit
power_monitor = devkit.get_power_monitor()

# create samna node for power reading
power_source_node = power_monitor.get_source_node()
power_buffer_node = samna.BasicSinkNode_unifirm_modules_events_measurement()

build samna graph for the power monitoring


# init graph
samna_graph = samna.graph.EventFilterGraph()

# build graph
samna_graph.sequential([power_source_node, power_buffer_node])

then we can start mearsuring the idle power of the devkit

measure_time = 5.0  # seconds
sample_rate = 100.0  # Hz

# start samna graph

# start the stop-watch of devkit, then each output data has a proper timestamp

# clear buffer

# start monitor, we need pass a sample rate argument to the power monitor

# sleep the procees to wait for the measurement time up

# stop monitor

# stop samna graph

# get power-measurement data
power_events = power_buffer_node.get_events()
# time * sample rate * number of power tracks
estimated_number_of_data = measure_time * sample_rate * 5
print(f"estimated number of collect data: {estimated_number_of_data}")

print(f"number of collected data: {len(power_events)}")
estimated number of collect data: 2500.0
number of collected data: 2499

parse the collected data

num_power_tracks = 5

# init dict for storing data of each power track
power_each_track = dict()
event_count_each_track = dict()

# check whether timestamp is correct
timestamp_all_zero = True

# loop through all collected power events and get data
for evt in power_events:

    if evt.timestamp != 0:
        timestamp_all_zero = False
    p_track_id = evt.channel
    tmp_power = power_each_track.get(p_track_id, 0) + evt.value
    tmp_count = event_count_each_track.get(p_track_id, 0) + 1
    power_each_track.update({p_track_id: tmp_power})
    event_count_each_track.update({p_track_id: tmp_count})

# average power and current of each track
for p_track_id in range(num_power_tracks):
    # average power in microwatt
    avg_power = power_each_track[p_track_id] / event_count_each_track[p_track_id] * 1e6
    # calculate current
    if p_track_id == 0:
        current = avg_power / 2.5 
        current = avg_power / 1.2
    print(f'track{p_track_id}: {avg_power}uW, {current}uA')
track0: 62.579956054687536uW, 25.031982421875014uA
track1: 70.89843749999974uW, 59.08203124999979uA
track2: 254.79701450892875uW, 212.3308454241073uA
track3: 64.85595703124955uW, 54.04663085937462uA
track4: 740.2514291976793uW, 616.8761909980661uA

plot the power data

if timestamp_all_zero:
    print("timestamps are all zeros, can't plot power vs. time, you might need to update the firmware!")
    # plot the output neuron index vs. time
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    p_track_name = ["io", "ram", "logic", "pixel digital", "pixel analog"]
    for p_track_id in range(num_power_tracks):
        x = [each.timestamp for each in power_events if each.channel == p_track_id]
        y = [each.value * 1e6 for each in power_events if each.channel == p_track_id]
        plt.plot(x, y, label=p_track_name[p_track_id], alpha=0.8)
    ax.set_title("Idle Power")
    ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=10)
# close devkit after experiment finished

3. Monitor the dynamic power#

In this section we introduce the way to monitor the dynamic power of the devkit i.e. the power after we deploy an SNN on it.

Also, we introduce a GUI module of samna which helps to monitor the real-time power plot.


3.1 Create a simple SNN#

# create a one layer CNN
input_shape = (1, 128, 128)

cnn = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1,
                              kernel_size=(1, 1),
                              stride=(2, 2),
                              padding=(0, 0),

# assign a handcraft weight to CNN
cnn[0].weight.data = torch.ones_like(cnn[0].weight.data, dtype=torch.float32) * 0.05
# cnn to snn
snn = from_model(cnn, input_shape=input_shape, batch_size=1).spiking_model

# snn to DynapcnnNetwork
dynapcnn_net = DynapcnnNetwork(snn=snn, input_shape=input_shape, dvs_input=True)

3.2 Create a devkit config based on the SNN#

dynapcnn_device_str = "speck2edevkit:0"
devkit_cfg = dynapcnn_net.make_config(device=dynapcnn_device_str, monitor_layers=["dvs"])
Network is valid

3.3 Construct a samna graph for power monitoring & visualization#


# get device name
devices = samna.device.get_all_devices()
device_names = [each.device_type_name for each in devices]

# open devkit
devkit = samna.device.open_device(device_names[0])

# get the handle of the stop-watch of the devkit
stop_watch = devkit.get_stop_watch()

# reset the stop-watch of devkit
# stop_watch = devkit.get_stop_watch()
# stop_watch.set_enable_value(True)
# stop_watch.reset()
# time.sleep(0.01)

# get the handle of the power monitor of the devkit
power_monitor = devkit.get_power_monitor()

# create samna node for power reading
power_source_node = power_monitor.get_source_node()
power_buffer_node = samna.BasicSinkNode_unifirm_modules_events_measurement()

# init samna graph
samna_graph = samna.graph.EventFilterGraph()

=====  construct branches in the graph to define how data flows  =====
# branch #1: DVS data visualization on GUI
_, _, streamer = samna_graph.sequential([devkit.get_model_source_node(), "Speck2eDvsToVizConverter", "VizEventStreamer"])

# branch #2: Collect power data
samna_graph.sequential([power_source_node, power_buffer_node])

# branch #3: Real time power data visualization on GUI
samna_graph.sequential([power_source_node, "MeasurementToVizConverter", streamer])

# define tcp port for data visualization
streamer_endpoint = 'tcp://' 

# start the samna graph 

3.4 Setup the GUI visualizer of samna#

# init samna node for tcp communication
samna_node = samna.init_samna()
sender_endpoint = samna_node.get_sender_endpoint()
receiver_endpoint = samna_node.get_receiver_endpoint()
# wait tcp connection build up, this is necessary to open remote node.
sender_endpoint: tcp://
receiver_endpoint: tcp://
# define a function that start the gui visualizer then we run it in the sub-process
def run_visualizer_process(receiver_endpoint, sender_endpoint, visualizer_id):

    samnagui.runVisualizer(0.6, 0.6, receiver_endpoint, sender_endpoint, visualizer_id)

# init sub-process for GUI
visualizer_id = 3
gui_process = Process(target=run_visualizer_process, args=(receiver_endpoint, sender_endpoint, visualizer_id))

# start the GUI process

# wait for open visualizer and connect to it.
timeout = 10
begin = time.time()
name = "visualizer" + str(visualizer_id)
while time.time() - begin < timeout:


        samna.open_remote_node(visualizer_id, name)



        print("Successfully start the GUI process! You should see a window pop up")
Successfully start the GUI process! You should see a window pop up
# setup visualizer
visualizer = getattr(samna, name)

# set visualizer's receiver endpoint to streamer's sender endpoint
# connect the receiver output to splitter inside the visualizer

# add DVS plots to gui
activity_plot_id = visualizer.plots.add_activity_plot(128, 128, "DVS Layer")
plot = visualizer.plot_0
plot.set_layout(0, 0, 0.5, 0.89)
visualizer.splitter.add_destination("dvs_event", visualizer.plots.get_plot_input(activity_plot_id))

# add real time power plots to gui
power_plot_id = visualizer.plots.add_power_measurement_plot("power consumption", 5, ["io", "ram", "logic", "vddd", "vdda"])
plot_name = "plot_" + str(power_plot_id)
plot = getattr(visualizer, plot_name)
plot.set_layout(0, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0)
plot.set_y_label_name("power (mW)")  # set the label of y axis
visualizer.splitter.add_destination("measurement", visualizer.plots.get_plot_input(power_plot_id))


print("Now you should see a change on the GUI window!")
Now you should see a change on the GUI window!

3.5 Apply devkit config and launch the devit#

# apply devkit config

print("Now you should see the input from the dvs sensor on the GUI window!" )
Now you should see the input from the dvs sensor on the GUI window!

3.6 Start to monitor dynamic power#

sample_rate = 100

print("Now you should see the real-time power plot shows on the GUI window!")
Now you should see the real-time power plot shows on the GUI window!
# stop the experiment
