Device Management#

How Do I List All Connected Devices And Their IDs?#

Once your devices are connected, you can use the get_device_map method to inspect them.


from import get_device_map
from typing import Dict

device_map: Dict[str, 'DeviceInfo'] = get_device_map()


This should produce an output that looks something like below:

>>> {'speck2fdevkit:0': device::DeviceInfo(serial_number=, usb_bus_number=2, usb_device_address=9, logic_version=0, device_type_name=Speck2fDevKit)}


import samna

# Get device infos of all unopened devices
deviceInfos = samna.device.get_unopened_devices()

# Print device infos to see what devices are connected
for info in deviceInfos:

This should produce an output that looks something like below:

>>> device::DeviceInfo(serial_number=, usb_bus_number=2, usb_device_address=9, logic_version=0, device_type_name=Speck2fDevKit)

How Do I Open The Device#

import samna
deviceInfos = samna.device.get_unopened_devices()
# Select the device you want to open, here we want to open the first one
device = samna.device.open_device(deviceInfos[0])

or you can just pass the devkit’s name to the open_device function

import samna
speck = samna.device.open_device("Speck2fModuleDevKit")

All devices that supported by samna can be found at here.

How Do I Reset The Device#

method1(hard reset)#

Just press the reset button on our devkit!

method2(soft reset)#

import samna
# open device
speck = samna.device.open_device("Speck2fModuleDevKit")
# reset devkit, this operation will apply a default configuration to the devkit

How Do I Close The Device#

import samna
# open device
speck = samna.device.open_device("Speck2fModuleDevKit")
# close device