TUTORIALS# Training by backpropagation through time (BPTT) Training a baseline Defining a spiking network Training Testing Converting an ANN to an SNN Defining an ANN Define a custom dataset Training NMNIST for deployment on Speck using EXODUS Scaling parameters for rate-coded conversion to SNNs Import a model from NIR and deploy it to SPECK Load NIR model from disk Load NIR model into sinabs Deploy the model onto Speck Send test data to the chip and read out its prediction Live demo sinabs Tutorial 使用入门 Take LeNet as an example to train and test a spiking neural network (SNN) 以LeNet为例训练使用脉冲神经网络(SNN) Hardware Tutorials Quick Start With N-MNIST Visualize DVS Input Play With Speck’s DVS How To Leak The Neurons On The Devkit Power Monitoring Spike Count Visualization Using Readout Layer