How to add support for a new chip

How to add support for a new chip#

In order to add support for a new chip in, you will need to perform the following steps.

  1. Add the device to device_types dictionary in The dictionary comprises a device_name_string and its corresponding device_name in the samna DeviceInfo object. The device_name_string should be a word in lower case alphabets with no spaces or special characters. The string should be a qualified variable name in python. The device is discovered based on the DeviceInfor.device_name and therefore should match the exact device_name string in samna.

  2. Implement a ConfigBuilder for your device. This builder describes how a model will be converted to a samna config object for your device type. You can base your implementation on the current implementations for other chips in the folder/module sinabs.backend.dynapcnn.chips

  3. Add the ConfigBuilder implemented in step 2 to the ChipFactory in

That should be it! You will now be able to call make_config or the to method in DynapcnnNetwork and refer to your device with the name you chose device_name_string in step 1.