Spiking layers can choose any combination of spike generation, reset mechanism and surrogate gradient function.
Spike Generation#
Autograd function that returns membrane potential divided by spike threshold for a maximum of one spike per time step. |
Autograd function that returns membrane potential integer-divided by spike threshold. |
Wrapper for MaxSpikeInner autograd function. |
Reset Mechanisms#
Reset the membrane potential v_mem to a given value after it spiked. |
Subtract the spiking threshold from the membrane potential for every neuron that spiked. |
Surrogate Gradient Functions#
Surrogate gradient as defined in Shrestha and Orchard, 2018. |
Surrogate gradient as defined in Weidel and Sheik, 2021. |
Heaviside surrogate gradient with optional shift. |
Gaussian surrogate gradient function. |
Surrogate gradient as defined in Yin et al., 2021. |