Source code for sinabs.activation.spike_generation

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union

import torch

class BackwardClass:
    def backward(ctx, grad_output: torch.tensor):
        (v_mem,) = ctx.saved_tensors
        grad = ctx.surrogate_grad_fn(v_mem, ctx.spike_threshold)
        grad_input = grad_output * grad
        return grad_input, None, None

[docs]class MultiSpike(BackwardClass, torch.autograd.Function): """Autograd function that returns membrane potential integer-divided by spike threshold. Do not instantiate this class when passing as spike_fn (see example). Can be combined with different surrogate gradient functions. Example: >>> layer = sinabs.layers.LIF(spike_fn=MultiSpike, ...) """ required_states: List[str] = ["v_mem"] @staticmethod def forward( ctx, v_mem: torch.Tensor, spike_threshold: Union[float, torch.Tensor], surrogate_grad_fn: Callable, ): """""" ctx.save_for_backward(v_mem.clone()) ctx.spike_threshold = spike_threshold ctx.surrogate_grad_fn = surrogate_grad_fn spikes = (v_mem > 0) * torch.div( v_mem, spike_threshold, rounding_mode="trunc" ).float() return spikes
class MaxSpikeInner(BackwardClass, torch.autograd.Function): """Autograd function that returns membrane potential divided by spike threshold for a maximum number of spikes per time step. Can be combined with different surrogate gradient functions. """ required_states: List[str] = ["v_mem", "max_num_spikes_per_bin"] @staticmethod def forward( ctx, v_mem: torch.Tensor, max_num_spikes_per_bin: Optional[int], spike_threshold: Union[float, torch.Tensor], surrogate_grad_fn: Callable, ): """""" ctx.save_for_backward(v_mem.clone()) ctx.spike_threshold = spike_threshold ctx.surrogate_grad_fn = surrogate_grad_fn spikes = (v_mem > 0) * torch.div( v_mem, spike_threshold, rounding_mode="trunc" ).float() if max_num_spikes_per_bin is not None: spikes = torch.clamp(spikes, max=max_num_spikes_per_bin) return spikes
[docs]@dataclass class MaxSpike: """Wrapper for MaxSpikeInner autograd function. This class needs to be instantiated when used as spike_fn. Notice the difference in example to Single/MultiSpike. Example: >>> layer = sinabs.layers.LIF(spike_fn=MaxSpike(max_num_spikes_per_bin=10), ...) """ max_num_spikes_per_bin: Optional[int] = None def apply( self, v_mem: torch.Tensor, spike_threshold: Union[float, torch.Tensor], surrogate_grad_fn: Callable, ): return MaxSpikeInner.apply( v_mem, self.max_num_spikes_per_bin, spike_threshold, surrogate_grad_fn ) @property def required_states(self): return ["v_mem"]
[docs]class SingleSpike(BackwardClass, torch.autograd.Function): """Autograd function that returns membrane potential divided by spike threshold for a maximum of one spike per time step. Do not instantiate this class when passing as spike_fn (see example). Can be combined with different surrogate gradient functions. Example: >>> layer = sinabs.layers.LIF(spike_fn=SingleSpike, ...) """ required_states: List[str] = ["v_mem"] @staticmethod def forward( ctx, v_mem: torch.Tensor, spike_threshold: Union[float, torch.Tensor], surrogate_grad_fn: Callable, ): """""" ctx.save_for_backward(v_mem.clone()) ctx.spike_threshold = spike_threshold ctx.surrogate_grad_fn = surrogate_grad_fn spikes = (v_mem - spike_threshold >= 0).float() return spikes