Source code for sinabs.activation.spike_generation

from dataclasses import dataclass
import torch
from typing import Optional, Callable, Union, List

class BackwardClass:
    def backward(ctx, grad_output: torch.tensor):
        (v_mem,) = ctx.saved_tensors
        grad = ctx.surrogate_grad_fn(v_mem, ctx.spike_threshold)
        grad_input = grad_output * grad
        return grad_input, None, None

[docs]class MultiSpike(BackwardClass, torch.autograd.Function): """ PyTorch-compatible function that returns the number of spikes emitted, given a membrane potential value and in a "threshold subtracting" regime. In other words, the integer division of the input by the threshold is returned. In the backward pass, the gradient is zero if the membrane is at least `threshold - window`, and is passed through otherwise. """ required_states: List[str] = ["v_mem"] @staticmethod def forward( ctx, v_mem: torch.Tensor, spike_threshold: Union[float, torch.Tensor], surrogate_grad_fn: Callable, ): """""" ctx.save_for_backward(v_mem.clone()) ctx.spike_threshold = spike_threshold ctx.surrogate_grad_fn = surrogate_grad_fn spikes = (v_mem > 0) * torch.div( v_mem, spike_threshold, rounding_mode="trunc" ).float() return spikes
class MaxSpikeInner(BackwardClass, torch.autograd.Function): """ PyTorch-compatible function that returns the number of spikes emitted, given a membrane potential value and in a "threshold subtracting" regime. In other words, the integer division of the input by the threshold is returned. Other than MultiSpike, the number of spikes emitted in one time step is limited. Equivalent to SingleSpike for max_num_spikes_per_bin=1 and to MultiSpike for max_num_spikes_per_bin=None. In the backward pass, the gradient is zero if the membrane is at least `threshold - window`, and is passed through otherwise. """ required_states: List[str] = ["v_mem", "max_num_spikes_per_bin"] @staticmethod def forward( ctx, v_mem: torch.Tensor, max_num_spikes_per_bin: Optional[int], spike_threshold: Union[float, torch.Tensor], surrogate_grad_fn: Callable, ): """""" ctx.save_for_backward(v_mem.clone()) ctx.spike_threshold = spike_threshold ctx.surrogate_grad_fn = surrogate_grad_fn spikes = (v_mem > 0) * torch.div( v_mem, spike_threshold, rounding_mode="trunc" ).float() if max_num_spikes_per_bin is not None: spikes = torch.clamp(spikes, max=max_num_spikes_per_bin) return spikes
[docs]@dataclass class MaxSpike: """ Wrapper for MaxSpikeInner that does not require passing max_num_spikes_per_bin when calling apply but only at instantiation. """ max_num_spikes_per_bin: Optional[int] = None def apply( self, v_mem: torch.Tensor, spike_threshold: Union[float, torch.Tensor], surrogate_grad_fn: Callable, ): return MaxSpikeInner.apply( v_mem, self.max_num_spikes_per_bin, spike_threshold, surrogate_grad_fn ) @property def required_states(self): return ["v_mem"]
[docs]class SingleSpike(BackwardClass, torch.autograd.Function): """ PyTorch-compatible function that returns a single spike per time step. In the backward pass, the gradient is zero if the membrane is at least `spike_threshold - window`, and is passed through otherwise. """ required_states: List[str] = ["v_mem"] @staticmethod def forward( ctx, v_mem: torch.Tensor, spike_threshold: Union[float, torch.Tensor], surrogate_grad_fn: Callable, ): """""" ctx.save_for_backward(v_mem.clone()) ctx.spike_threshold = spike_threshold ctx.surrogate_grad_fn = surrogate_grad_fn spikes = (v_mem - spike_threshold >= 0).float() return spikes